Throne of Lies FM - Game Over (Mafia and Ritualist WIn)- 5/16

Things you will prefer not knowing.

ā€¦I feel like I donā€™t even want to know what ā€œslappedā€ means from your context.


Sounds good when I am sleep-deprivedā€¦

In case logs are wack as fuck know for a fact that sirderpsalot is town


Sure, you deserve it after me just trying to troll you with random nonsense sentence.

Mkay Iā€™m off boomers

Can 90% confirm.

both sulit and eevee transformed into me for a good few minutes

i feel like we should never speak of this

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why is Italy making empty posts? :eyes:

iā€™m going to go to sleep now ok bye

Okay guys, Iā€™m off.


@Arete you take the batton on Italy.
afair you said that you agreed with my points, so carry them on

Thatā€™s not even what I said

what I said was that it makes sense to me, but that he felt socially town

fwiw I can think of at least one scenario under which Italyā€™s information could both be true, and be minus-EV to have outed

Did Simon offer anyone else a proposal

When it comes as part of abilities, sure, many of such situations.

However they said it didnā€™tā€¦ soooo?

Or just me

Also guys, Iā€™m gonna quote one chat which me, Arete and more are part.

Andā€¦ the ā€œmoreā€ person said to lynch darth cause they are 95% scum.
I assume it is peek which works with accuracy basing on rumors level, but I might be wrong.

Ask Arete for more info. I really should sleep.


You two getting married?

/vote Simon