Throne of Lies FM - Game Over (Mafia and Ritualist WIn)- 5/16

Wait no.

Like… at first I thought there is 2 uninformed majorities from my ability desc, but now that I look at OP and looking how many of us claimed BD already… Blue Dragon is uninformed majority.

Ehhh, also imo there is 2 scum factions.

But that’s also an educated guess.

@sulit wanna do the thing?

As long as I can predict from which game Ici was basing this on…

There should be 1 big town faction, one big scum faction and 2 “neutral” factions.

Neutral faction 1 wins when town wins AND/OR 2nd neutral faction is eliminated.
Neutral faction 2 wins when scum wins AND/OR 1st neutral faction is eliminated.

That’s a motive from Mantichora game.

And seems likely to being used here from what I can tell.

Keep in mind this is only an educated guess.

So like:

Scummish Neutrals

With Town winning TOGETHER with town or when killing Scumish neutrals
With Scummish Neutrals winning TOGETHER with scum or when killing Town.

That’s most likely scenario rn.

I might be wrong on the basepoint, but anyway, town exists. I can confirm it.

So zoney is a good boi in this case?

Not sure.

Most of it is guess basing on which game Ici was building this.
But he might as well just chagned the whole faction wincons and my analysis is baseless.

Fact is that town exist.

Rest is just me guessing with base on orginal game.

He’s also kind of ridiculously out-of-meta, as I said

One second tho

Marshal basically stopped trying to solve slots other than mine when I challenged him to a fuel, despite being in thread

This doesn’t make sense from the mindset of a townie who’s possibly about to die but does make sense from the mindset of scum who doesn’t want to create associations

I have a feeling your slot will be solved very soon

I am in fact not stupid and can ever read between the lines

and thus I am not going along with your plan to get me shot before I can kill you

if you somehow flip town then sulit is free to sulit

Omfg… I’m an idiot.


Remember simon yesterday?

Yeah… about that.

So wait

You’re saying Simon is a scummish neutral, orrr?

Either tbh, tho town sounds better imo?

Like… they would win if they eliminate scummish neutrals or BD wins.
If they ally BD, they can win with BD.

If they ally scum faction… they would be able to strike deals to kill other neutrals.

Win-win situation.

/vote Squid

We need to wait for more information, but… if I’m right which game Ici too that factions design from… well, that will be fun.

@Arete see

you aren’t the only one with a weird copypasta to do something mechanical