Throne of Lies FM - Game Over (Mafia and Ritualist WIn)- 5/16

Guys! Can we vote a person that’s guaranteed on a person?!


/vote mist


fuck arete

/vote manti



“I have a spectacular idea!” one of the ThroneCorp workers said. This was naturally a Call To Arms to murder a… thing… named The Manticore. Ignoring the existential nightmare that this voice can communicate to our heroes in all three persons, both First, Second and Third. Regardless of this fact, they decided to use The Super Soaker on them. This Super Soaker, however, was Cruelly Sabotaged: it was deadly.

And thus The Manticore died of being sprayed with Entropy. Don’t think about it too hard. From the withered body, it seemed obvious to everybody that they were a Member of the Mafia.

Night [1] begins. You may no longer communicate through DMs or in any other way. You have 24 hours.


“What the hell just happened in the last… period of time that is presumably expressable mathetmatically as n minutes?” said one of the nerdier employees. A Reply was forthcoming, as they usually are in such situations.

“Well, you see, [redacted to protect the dubiously innocent], somebody [expunged] me!” said the employee currently being represented as @Marshal. His body slumped to the floor. Everybody, already confused from the Incident involving The Manticore (its’ body was doing something that could only really be understood if The Colour Out of Space was published in this universe, which it wasn’t, H.P Lovecraft choosing to become a professional ballet dancer instead of a horror writer), looked at the body, and instantly knew he was a PRIEST, and loyal to the company.

The main clue towards this fact was the fact that his ghost shouted a bad word™, which everybody could hear through their peripheral vision (don’t think about it too hard), and everybody knows that shouting a bad word™ would be the first thing a PRIEST would do after they die. At least, subconciously.

Also, @Simon is dead. Might want to sort that out. He was plainly a SHERIFF

Might as well catch a villain and make them taste Entropy, since we’re all dying lately.

Day [2] begins. You have 48 hours to decide who to acclerate through disorganisation into becoming a corpse. You may DM others once more.



@Marshal how could you do this to me

i think marshal lost the duel
which isn’t very cool since we all expected a real fight

why is there a homestuck reference in the title

> Homestuck was never published in this universe, because Andrew Hussie became a world-famous ice skater instead. I have no idea what you’re talking about.

So is the manticore dead

Believable enough

okay I have a headache so I’ll be back soon

Okay, whoever said something about there being a curse, you’re absolutely right. One of the private room’s cursed now and we can’t say crap in there without getting the real life equivalent of the cheese touch

My blood is still pale blue because the manticore bite me

I was told it did something bad, but not what

Hey everyone. I apologize for being extremely inactive during Day 1. I was at a convention for the entire weekend and was not available at all to to participate in this game.
Lmk if anyone wants something from me. I have no idea who would be a priority to ISO, so please also let me know if anyone has any preferences on that front.

Someone clearly didn’t hear me when i said “Self-reviving”