Throne of Lies FM - Game Over (Mafia and Ritualist WIn)- 5/16



Unless theyā€™re masons

Like 2 games ?

Marshal/Ami/Emilia scumteam


How am I scum?

Have they even been Masons?

Because youā€™re defending Marshal for no reason when Marshal is an obvious wolf

yes on another site

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explains Why your reasoning is invalid

ā€œYou are defending your scummate 100% scumā€

Oh shit. Arete, are you talking about the game where everyone thought I was a Neut?

@Arete if you are town why you canā€™t defend your vote?

I did defend my vote

Accusing me of being scum or saying that Marsh is obv scum is not defense of your vote

Marshal is scum because he has TMI on my alignment and his action of creating a secret Areteless group chat is scum motivated

Iā€™ve explained that like three times

And I already explained that he would have to lack self awareness completely to do that or rely on us thinking the former Wich wasnā€™t your reasoning

What do you see as the town motivation behind Marshalā€™s play this game

Give up.
Emilia is a brick wall and will never accept theyā€™re wrong no matter how much you tell them

Thereā€™s meme motivation behind his game

I do accept I am wrong when you give reasoning and donā€™t accuse me of being scum when itā€™s challanged

You have literally never accepted when you were wrong in a game with me