Throne of Salem (10/16) | Day 4: PoisonedPrince

Ur not jailor so shhhhhh

Stop memeing

Or am i :thinking:

Disagree on checking lurkers for the same reason we both donā€™t want to D1 lynch them

Did Max just fucking hammer me or

No, youā€™re not. Also youā€™re unoriginal for copying Celeste who started the ā€œClaim everything d1ā€ meme.

Wait I did

Im exeing u tonight


gfg bye marl enjoy getting hanged tomorrow

You canā€™t exe N1 :thinking:



You havenā€™t addressed my main concern orange

I feel like your earlier pushes have been incredibly forced. Like you donā€™t actually believe the people youā€™re pushing on to be scum.

Why is that?

good gameplay fellas


wait what

Thanks. I love being ignorant, bad at the game, and salty at others

didnā€™t orange only have like 3 voters?

Does it look like I know

just in case itā€™s not majority

I didnā€™t count Max just said your defense starts now

There are no trials in the OP