Throne of Salem (10/16) | Day 4: PoisonedPrince

Are you implying that playing Forum Mafia requires knowing how to read?


No, all it requires is my luck as seen in ongoing game.


Wait it doesnā€™t?

Nope, Iā€™m illiterate and I can play just fine!

Even someone who canā€™t read like me can tell orange is scum here!


(yes that was all a setup for that bad joke sue me)

except iā€™m sort of close to not joking because I think thereā€™s a genuine issue in how players completely sheep and low effort cruise through games while other players like you just ā€“

so i dunno
dunno what i think

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whatever, iā€™m not here to like psychoanalyze the structure of fm on this site
here to play some not tos
so lets get crackalackin ig

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Vote Soul with me.

I have determined heā€™s mafia.


But but but.

:frowning: I found a mafia chexk on him. must of been framed.

/Vote Orange

This is like 50000% more complicated then normal tos. In normal tos someone just votes someone and if they get voted up quick heā€™s not maf and if he gets up slow he is ā€œconfirmed mafā€ so they guilty.

Ahhā€¦ Simpler times

lol good response

I donā€™t wanna vote inactives just because theyā€™re inactive tbh
We should check / jail lurkers

U can always jail me <3

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I think Iā€™ve been mislynched or teamkilled WAY more times than correctly lynched

So thatā€™s not exactly working out well for ya

And if I donā€™t flip scum youā€™re gonna have to talk yourself out of a lynch tomorrow because it sounds like Wham is convinced this is TvS lol

Letā€™s rename this to ā€œRambling about Marl: A Threadā€

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Way too close to home

Who do i jail


/vote Orange

Your defense starts now