Throne of Salem (10/16) | Day 4: PoisonedPrince


no >:V

wat is it tho chees

canning = cancel game

why dis

I mean tbf the gameā€™s sorta inactive and then the unknown bastard effects came

i liekd dis

Dunt worri there are always other games

I canā€™t tell from Munā€™s defence whether hes fool or new town or scumā€¦ tbf

Tbh doesnt matter

Why :thinking:

as long as we can kill 1 scum, when game is canned, town insta-wins

Wait true

Get scum quick!

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Voted Voters Count/Majority
Munstrish Marl, Celeste, Htm 3/6

2 days left btw

before can u mean?

hecc up. im not canning lol

I know but itā€™ll happen eventually :thinking:
3-5 people talking out of 11

scum wont vote up munstrish and the rest of the town are too inactive too
seems like we lose

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