Throne of Salem (10/16) | Day 4: PoisonedPrince

I’m prodding everyone who hasn’t posted today

@MaximusPrime @MtheJoker @Sam17z @Frostwolf103 @Soulshade55r

get yo asses over here

this is half the playerlist. :expressionless:

Didn’t Soul die :thinking:

I could’ve sworn he did…

Htm y r u scum with marluxion?


y do u think Im scum?

I don’t think, I know you’re scum, I was just wondering why you and Marl were scum and if there was anything I could do to convince you to gamethrow and tell us the other member of your team.

then why aren’t you voting me :thinking:


Cuz I don’t care.

But I just wanted to let you know that I know you’re scum, probably with Marl.

lol naisu pantsu

Yeah I am pretty sure Soul died

(unless this game is bastard)



What’s going on

my dood
if i were scum, i’d have been asking to concede right now because this game is dead af
nobody wants to win this

its only cos of your sfol with millions of people

And I already won so I technically don’t have to do anything.

Wrong topic lol.

Go on and concede my dear associate.


(srsly tho pls dont kill me be cool)

so wait is this canned @Pug

