There’s a Youtuber who makes Pokémon theme teams that aren’t usually competitively viable, and I was thinking of proposing a Throne Of Lies themed team that might increase awareness of the game etc.
Basically with we need 6 Pokémon with moves/abilities and or design similar to TOL classes. My ideas so far are:
1: Delphox named ‘Sorcerer’
Ability - Magician
Item: Flame Orb
Moves: Trick
Mystical Fire
Magic Room
Future Sight
2: Escavalier named ‘Knight’
Ability - Shell Armour
Item: (Open)
Moves: Protect
Swords Dance
Iron Defence
3: Accelgor named ‘Assassin’
Ability - Sticky hold?
Item: (Open)
Moves: Toxic
Water Shuriken
4: Slowking named ‘King’
Ability - Own Tempo?
Item: (Open)
Moves: Protect
Trump Card
5: Zoroark (Disguising as Gardevoir) named ‘Mastermind’
Ability: Illusion
Item (open)
Moves: Nasty Plot
Night Daze?
6: Gardevoir named ‘Princess’
Ability: Trace?
Item (Open)
Moves: Captivate
Ideas are appreciated. Thanks