TOL Pokemon Theme Team

There’s a Youtuber who makes Pokémon theme teams that aren’t usually competitively viable, and I was thinking of proposing a Throne Of Lies themed team that might increase awareness of the game etc.

Basically with we need 6 Pokémon with moves/abilities and or design similar to TOL classes. My ideas so far are:

1: Delphox named ‘Sorcerer’
Ability - Magician
Item: Flame Orb
Moves: Trick
Mystical Fire
Magic Room
Future Sight

2: Escavalier named ‘Knight’
Ability - Shell Armour
Item: (Open)
Moves: Protect
Swords Dance
Iron Defence

3: Accelgor named ‘Assassin’
Ability - Sticky hold?
Item: (Open)
Moves: Toxic
Water Shuriken

4: Slowking named ‘King’
Ability - Own Tempo?
Item: (Open)
Moves: Protect
Trump Card

5: Zoroark (Disguising as Gardevoir) named ‘Mastermind’
Ability: Illusion
Item (open)
Moves: Nasty Plot
Night Daze?

6: Gardevoir named ‘Princess’
Ability: Trace?
Item (Open)
Moves: Captivate

Ideas are appreciated. Thanks

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Jynx - Pretender

:thinking: Move set?

Draining Kiss, Fake Tears, Lovely Kiss, something else

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hmm, Neat

Also I’m gonna be the guy to point out that accelgor cant use water suriken, in fact the only pokemon capable is Greninja.

(And might still fit the assassin theme)

Delphox is more sorcerer than court wizard IMO

But bulbepdia lists it on it’s moveset lol


Why choose a bunch of low teir pokemon

Use aegislash


He builds fun teams with gimmicky sets. He usually plays around PU - UU power levels lol

I used to be a showdown extraordinaire back before aegishlash was banned. Always been my favourite pokemon.

Yee, but fact remains - aegislash is too high tiered lol. Jynx is fine, but I’m not sure it works as Pretender :thinking:

Do you have x and y?

Yes, but my team is not good and I don’t play it anymore.

That’s where I got my first aegishlash. Ok I’ll shut up :’)
Anyway, try using something like aggron

What TOL class is like Aggron?

Knight is the closest thing but you already have escavalier. I need some time to think brb

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Yeah, it looks like a knight, And megahorn is like CS and Protect is the closest I can think of that’s like Guard

I just had a stroke of Genius.

Zoroark - Mastermind

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In The Shadows Passive is kinda like Zoroark’s disguise.

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