ToLFM - The Underworld

no, the pack juustt deecideed tto kill hiim

also lol town being inactive is literally killing us

imo this is how to do a bastard game

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here’s my classcard, in case anyone wants to see:

I poisoned Sulit N2. She has a 15% chance of dying at EoD5 and an 18% chance at EoN5, etc.

Also I just used my “The Call” ability to make it seem like more servers that hadn’t been destroyed were destroyed. It was freaking hilarious.

Yah that’s p smart actually

But y use it on the “everyone but arete” chats

those were the biggest ones i was in and i wasn’t really in anything else of value at the time tbh

You were in those


my night ability could only be used in servers I was in
my day ability could only be used in servers I wasn’t in

boy was it fun to fool zone like that
although now i wonder if eevee knew i was a lost wolf when I outed to him
i wouldn’t be surprised

yyouu just got rreeally luucky wwitth zoonee lol

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Lmaoooo k.

It probably would have been smart to claim lost wolf right before EoD so I didn’t get attacked. But eh. This is probably still winnable with how laughably inactive the game is.

hopefully they attack someone other than sulit

hi yes fricc you.

how does it feel that the nk mindfuck worked

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actually i don’t regret getting attacked because of this lol:

go mafia

did you know who the scum team was?

Nope, i never had any idea whatsoever

because of that, im very relieved that the person I chose to poison isn’t scum