ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Because from my point of view I know Marshal is evil

late but there are no mafia killing roles

godfather is just basic godfather, mafioso is just mafia goon

Just because you were looking at retrain possibility first doesnā€™t mean itā€™s suddenly not their theory?

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witch is technically evil, just not a murderer

I mean, Iā€™m not assuming it.

I KNOW it.

I created more with the idea you brought up, making it my theory. Youā€™re acting like Blizzard taking copyright claims off peopleā€™s custom maps

My theory was that maybe retrained mafia would claim being roleblocked too.

They didnā€™t.

Now Squid says I was retrained and claimed it.

Thatā€™s pretty much same theory, just putting exact names into it.

That doesnā€™t help anyone else parse this though

Ok but you never stated this theory anywhere
squid didnā€™t steal your idea just had the same one

I mean, I agree that what you brough up is a possibility.

Possibility which I didnā€™t think through, cause I do know that roleblock is real.
So no, I didnā€™t really follow up on roleblock being fake and how this would build up.

You never mentioned that a mafia could advocate for another mafia claiming a certain thing happen to them

Cause in this particular case noone else claimed roleblocked.

However I did simlar thing with me sayin gthat Arete didnā€™t have to be witched, they could just claim being witched after another mafia member was.

This way witch would know 2 mafia members at once.

In general in this setup you should NEVER claim being doused and NEARLY NEVER claim witched.

Both are -EV.

Tho I understand that Arete had to, especially with Marshal thunderome thing.

Wait, why shouldnā€™t you claim witched? confusion

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Bepwei couldā€™ve lied about being pranked to make us think there is a Prankster and make us assume the Mafia is:

Capogreienrienr thing
Mafia Support

Just a theory.

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also I thought doused people didnā€™t know they were doused but I guess thatā€™s kind of beside the point since thereā€™s no Arso

who is scum right now

Exactly cause this scenario was being used very often in this setup.

Or even better:

Mafia does not claim witched, but insteadā€¦ Witch does.

In that case witch knows they witched scum and whole scumteam knows witch.