ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Are you caught up on the thread?

first off /unvote
how long til EOD?
third off arete can u relink that poe list as I was kinda skimming the game and want to do a bit of a deep dive tomorrow
I would also like to apologize on apart of this slot for any greivances it caused

kind of, i got the main points and a few gutreads but not more than that

Ah hi DatBird, I can’t believe Jake continues this.

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
clonedcheese PoisonedSquid, Wazza 2/8
eevee clonedcheese 1/8
jmwjmw27 Isaac_Gonzalez 1/8
DatBird Arete, jmwjmw27, Frostwolf103 3/8
Frostwolf103 sulit 1/8
Currently abstaining players DatBird, Possessed, Anjic89, eevee, Italy, Universal 6


this is just a mechanical PoE it isn’t taking into account social reads

And u Sulit and somone else were taken out due to claiming prs and no contests right. Does that account for all prs?

no Cheese is claiming Escort

also eevee spent a while claiming TI but is now claiming Cit

/unvote for now.

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
clonedcheese PoisonedSquid, Wazza 2/8
eevee clonedcheese 1/8
jmwjmw27 Isaac_Gonzalez 1/8
DatBird Arete, jmwjmw27 2/8
Frostwolf103 sulit 1/8
Currently abstaining players DatBird, Possessed, Frostwolf103, Anjic89, eevee, Italy, Universal 6

If I had to take a shot in the dark I would say the six town are me cuz obviously. Isaac for meta reasons, and Uni sine his tone has been pretty consistent and pure. Italy seemed like his usual self so I can prob safely remove him also. That cuts our list down to
Possessed- who i mainly gutread town
Wazza- Who seemed fine but i will look into more
Frost- :man_shrugging: honestly forgettable from skim
Anji- this one has been quiet but Possessed says they are fine so maybe
Eevee- honestly his rt comes from a smart place but im gonna keep in small townlean for now. And then Cloned and Jmw who I dont know meta and honestly other than clones weird i did an action thing this Beginning of Day was mainly forgettable from skim

For me that leaves main poe of JMW/Clone/Eevee/Anjc/Wazza/Frist
with a slight Possessed as a final one but i really doubt that

Wait so that is six right?
Darth, U, Squiddo, Sulit, Cloned, and Marshal/Maxwell/N1. So that can even remove cloned from poe unless a cc comes

You fly?

Well the problem is that 1 RT slot can roll as Cit

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Current POE reminds me heavily of candlelight but instead of cits in control its prs lol. So yeah we always lynch in cit claim

true, is there like a percentage chance?

This might answer the question

So it does make sense Cloned can enter in PoE

2/13 chance if i can math right. Its not high but still possible. Logic dictates that we have 5 prs who are true based on the once wording and no ccing. Do we have any confirmations on them. I recall Arete had a NS on Isaac (honestly pointless but besides the point). Squiddo cant confirm til she kills. Did Eevee confirm cloned or was that apart of rt. Sulit based on nk analysis is fine. that leaves Darth and Marshal who flipped. So imo Sulit is most confirmed, then Arete prob, then clone and squiddo depending on eevee