ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Why is it that whenever I try to do something, people get pissed at me for it? Everyone’s been pissed at me and one even gave me emotional pain

im not pissed at you if it makes u feel better :slight_smile:

The previous guy in your slot was :’)

Well ignore that, im not him. Im his slot nothing more

“You’re only taking one post out of a monologue!”
Guess what, just because it’s only part of what you said doesn’t mean you didn’t say it!
Nothing else in the “monologue” implies that you took that post back at any point. You can’t just say “oh, I only said that in one post so it doesn’t matter”

No. There’s nothing being added here. You said I was, and I quote, “Telling Frostwolf what they wanted to hear”. You still have yet to tell me how that is EVER a townie action. That’s not me adding meaning, that’s all YOU. You said I was doing something that is a scum thing to do, don’t try to back out of it now.

Where? I’m still on the same argument here. You however have been flipping between multiple logical fallacies and other absurdities to try and take the “high ground”

No. I said I don’t care what you’re going to say you meant. Because it holds no weight.
If I say “I am going to nightkill Eevee tonight” then say I meant Eevee on Hypixel, that is not provable and means nothing.

I did analyze the post, you ignored the analysis.

I don’t need the whole thing. The only parts I need are the ones relating to your reaction to my post. Specifically, where you call me scum (you never say anything in any other of those post about how you’re not calling me scum there) and now you’re telling me to read all the posts related to it, even irrelevant ones?

Because I quoted it three times while arguing with you. People can go back and find it on their own, I’m not heading back up to quote it every time you move the goalpost to another argument.

I’ve still used your exact words every time without using the quote feature. You’re just trying to waste my time, and as I said above I’ve quoted them before. People can find them if they care.

These are both strawmans and as I explained above untrue.

Am I even voting you? If I am it’s old.
And frankly, you are annoying and I’m wasting too much time with you to find SK and mafia, Which is why I haven’t had a chance to look and then move my vote. Which is exactly what you want.

First of all, it’s more than two words. Stop strawmanning me.
Second, it doesn’t matter how long the discussion is, if nothing else related to the topic I’m focusing on is said only the posts related are relevant.

I’m not going to look for the other two or three posts that don’t say anything at all other than you gave me 0 town points. They don’t help your argument.

Because you’re trying to waste my time which is a good witch play and I’m taking the bait

Already explained how you’re taking that out of context. But it is nice to know you are witch trying to witchread me for pushing you.

Now hopefully people can move on from this and ignore Eevee, I’ll stop replying to this topic and we can focus on the other two scum

I thought we already were :face_with_monocle:

i got 100 posts in before i gave up
how do you people go through all these posts without seeing any actual interaction, just one person’s posts

Search topic on keywords Italy

Well I’m not letting him have the last word with fallacious arguments :stuck_out_tongue:

Like, before I put Wazza as keyword and it brings up all his posts and references to him.

Search “Italy”?

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@DatBird if I recall correctly, you think I’m SK. Can you elaborate on why?

You can, yes.

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Italy DatBird, Frostwolf103, sulit, Italy 4/6
jmwjmw27 Isaac_Gonzalez, Possessed 2/6
eevee jmwjmw27 1/6
Currently abstaining players PoisonedSquid, Anjic89, eevee, clonedcheese 4

You know…I think it’d still be easier to just filter.

You do you boo


if you search for @(name) you get all posts by them
if you add words after you can search a certain user’s posts for keywords
so searching @jmwjmw27 town gives all posts of mine with town in it

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mainly process of elimination

this was talking about the sk slot D3 as Wazza was asking how I got to him being the SK. Now that two of my sk potentials are dead, and I feel confident in Possessed, I had to expand the poe. That left Isaac, Frost, Italy, Anjic89, and You. Eevee techincally also, but i feel confident on my scum placement. I first took out Italy as of right now hes my main scum guess. Isaac is like the worlds easiest meta read for me so I took him out. If meta screws me, well then someone else can read him and proove me wrong. Frost has potential, but i have deemed him not group scum by his weird interactions with Uni and Italy. So that leaves Frost, with two scum who seemed to want him dead, Anjic89 who is almost never here, and you.

So i think ur the likeliest

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or just click on their pic and click on
and u get it curated for you

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Well, based on the fact that I know my own alignment I think you should re evaluate the people in your POE. Never hurts even if I am SK.