ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

what is it?

ooooh itā€™s another carbot fan :smiley:

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Itā€™s Zealot from Starcraft


Of course :slight_smile:

Okay, in a spoiler.
Donā€™t enter if you donā€™t want to.


Phew, now it can bother others so I wonā€™t have to look at this poor soul.

its not that bad, was expecting like Mafia academy n0 images

You would know if youā€™re healed, Cheese

Spoiler alert: I cried

Ah yes, I love the taste of OMGUS juice

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Itā€™s more likeā€¦ I more or less said what I dislike him for and he comes from ā€œNo u scummyā€ without explaining again.

Thatā€™s what I saw from him. I saw you voting him and then heā€™s like ā€œEeveeā€™s scum, but oh well, GGā€

Maybe we could host Starcraft: Carbot Edition FM

if no one wants to talk about the game thats fine
see you in a few hours

I am talking about game rn.

Call it omgus if u want idrc.

I play mainly by gut and my gut feels this is right. I will get called dumb or bad for my play especially relying on gut, but its my main tool and thats how i usually hunt scum with a good sucess rate. Hey like I could be wrong, but who knows.

I just got back here from a busy day and Iā€™m talking about the game. What am I? Chopped liver?

/Unvote me fam

i mean sure but i dont actually play SC lol

i do have a diamond friend who keeps telling me about it tho

Weā€™re hanging you today, scum.