ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

whatever man, shade me if u want, idc anymore.

Cloned gets added to the list. Yeah ur right. Good thinking

I read this like a last ditch effort to get a ML.

I read this as this is my final thoughts if yall are just gonna be rude about this, good bye. Yall arent gonna listen anyway. I tried my best to help

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Wasnā€™t I being polite?.. Geez, generalization is a [WOOMY]

I meanā€¦ yeahā€¦ I get what you want to say butā€¦

  1. Why mafia hiting SK can only be me? Likeā€¦ thatā€™s weird.
  2. Mafia no kill option was primary Cheese option (as no kill to roleblock someone to prove as blocker).
  3. Why do you even follow up on healed option if it was disproven already.

Likeā€¦ your analysis is suprisingly missing a lotā€¦ and a lot of obvious optioins, while following on something which was proven to be false.

I donā€™t get it.

:man_shrugging: I just feel like tossed aside at this point. That no matter what i say is gonna be interpreted as trying to get a mislynch or to save my skin. I know im dead. It just doesnt help when people are rude.

Never said it couldnt be others, I would have to interpret everyones votes. I could but i just aint feeling it atm

That is why i listened to squid and added him to the poe, i didnt think that one

what do u mean?

Itā€™s not shade.
Itā€™s your conclusion being weird, due to weird methode of drawing it in. You miss stuff in that analysis. And you miss a lot of things tbh.

Like you try to force me into scenario 2 and 3, not analyze who fits there.
You just said I fit there, not check WHO fits there. Hence your PoE isā€¦ biased?

I mean, I donā€™t like being grouped with everyone despite me not doing anything. Heck, there was only at best three people who might have said something that might of seemed offensive

I wouldnā€™t even call it PoE if you just ignore half of scenarios.
And half of those which you followed on is known to be false.

Also @PoisonedSquid considering you havent used any yet. Without a doubt wifom ur protect the next three nights. You could just use it, and be safe. But if u leave the option open. They might be dumb enough to go for ya

Cheese would know to be healed and claimed he wasnā€™t.

Do we know how feedback works like that. Cause i didnt. I assumed barely any feedback like most fm

like theres results for Sheriff and Invest. Didnt expect there to be heal results

ahh ok

Let me break this into parts:

1. Mafia No Killed

Okay, I get that part.
This category was mostly Cheese no killing to roleblock someone, rest was added later to fill it in, but I get that part.

2. Mafia killed SK and failed

And here is sometihng I donā€™t get.

Your whole analysis about ā€œMafia attacked SKā€ is about me.
It really seems like you want to fit me in theory, rather than create mafia PoE.

3. Mafia killed Cloned and was healed


First of - Cheese claimed he wasnā€™t healed, so analysis on it is pointles.
Second of allā€¦ same as before.

You focus this scenario only on me, trying to prove I fit it, rather than check WHO fits it.

4. Mafia was Rbed by Cloned

And thatā€™s kinda straightforward.

Also kinda only option you donā€™t try to fit me inā€¦ But also kinda impossible to fit me in.


And thatā€™s I donā€™t get it.
You say you created PoE, but pretty much you tried to prove I can be scum in each option, rather than analyzing WHO can be scum.

If you said in the end that I fit description most of all peopleā€¦ I might of even agree.

But you said itā€™s PoE.
PoE after you DID NOT analyze WHO fits description on each step.

Explain to me, how did you create a PoE without actually analyzing WHO fits into each category.

Cause that seems pointless.

ok then lets talk scenario 2 and 3. Scenario 2 being hit SK. Scenario 3 being hit Cheese. Now one we I now know that Cheese wasnt healed. So scenario 3 is non existant. But for scenario 2. Lets go through the people and see who would fit for hitting sk.

Tbh, I donā€™t really care about scenario 2 and 3. I know where they lead pretty much.
You can do it, if you feel it will help you.

My question is different.
What got you into creating PoE without actually focusing WHO fits into each scenario?

I went through the list of people alive, removed Squid due to no cc. Removed Possessed cause I heavily tr them. You, JMW, Isaac, and Cloned after talking with squid were still in. All could fit. That leaves me and Frost. I aint evil, and Frost. Well I guess Frost could be evil. It just he seemed fine D4 onward. D3 I wanted him dead. So I took my poe of four with maybe Frost did analysis on who would no kill, and ended up with you and the meta read of Isaac. So I guess I shouldnt have removed Frost and Cloned. when I originally made the list. Thats my poe

Frost, Cloned, Eevee, JMW, Isaac