ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

i like that

i definitely would never break my own ethics

Helping your friendsā€¦ but why?
Because the world is better then? Good
So they can do you a favor back? Neutral
Because they are still useful for you? Evil

N.1 true neutral IMO leaning LN

Where am i

Chaotic Good

Chaotic Good that tries to act Evil but is really a good person underneath*

why am i not good ):

Im LN and not LE sadly.
But being evil means strength, so I try to seem more evil.

Ur LG lol


Need some outsider opinions on my allignment

My whole family can deconfirm that, lul

Neutral Good with tendency to True Neutral

Imagine not acting the way your parents want you to when theyā€™re around to get them to not hate you.

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I did take one of those tests a bit back and I landed on the CG-NG-NN end of things
if anyone wants to take it

Hard agree

In fact the Priestess I played a few years ago in roleplay was LN with very evil tendencies, her deity was LE, and even when she was very open about it, that her good deeds have evil motives, the other players still managed to confuse her to be LG. While they knew the truth and def thought sheā€™s almost evil.

That should explain why you call me LG.

the issue is that iā€™ve never encountered a law i found unjust
i just took the test

Likeā€¦ ever?

Iā€™m politically active and passionate but everything iā€™ve ever done on that and other fronts Iā€™ve found can be accomplished within the scope of the law