ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

@Marshal are you going to dodge the question that I asked you?

Town doesnā€™t need towncred.

Yes they do.

People clearly donā€™t listen to me when Iā€™m right so I need towncred so that people donā€™t think my pushes are agenda

Thatā€™s going to be an interesting change to get used to. I am used to playing on claims and claimspace.

Even with that I donā€™t really remember why Arete is scum other than meta arguments I canā€™t understand, can you enlighten me?

That was a weird thing they said, but Iā€™m going to give them the biggest benefit of the doubt and say that their plays this game were just off.

People will believe you when (in your eyes) you flip town.

Iā€™m not answering any of your questions especially because you strawman 70% of them.

Like someone will say ā€œscumlean on aā€ and you will be like ā€œwhy are you calling a lockscumā€

Itā€™s really irritating and so you must change

ā€¦thatā€™s exactly how they look right now lmao. Like without even ISOing Jake, your push looks like a powerwolf agenda.

Nah they wonā€™t

Nobody does NKA or listens to dead peopleā€™s reads

Candlelight proved that


Donā€™t remind me. :unamused:

Yeah but the thing is when your scumbuddy flips imma get all the sweet towncred and u gonna die

no one listens to dead people reads anywhere. That is a universal truth

You might need an umbrella to achieve the level of shade youā€™re going for

Like Iā€™m gonna lynch jake. Itā€™ll flip red. Arete will be outted scum.

I die n1

And arete wiggles out.

I already know that this is happening and so Iā€™d rather have arete lynched cuz jake is easier to get lynched

But I want a red lynch instead of a darth one

So sue me.

Marshal, you said that I was strawmanning you for saying that you said that I defended Arete.

And now youā€™re still saying that Iā€™m strawmanning you for something that your entire basis for scumreading me is.


Explain whether a supposed chainsaw that you think you felt always must 100% come from scum, or if it comes from a townie that genuinely thinks you are scum and it was just an unfortunate coincidence that it felt like chainsawing.

Do you have any clue how this sounds?

/Vote Marshal

ā€¦If Marshal flips groupscum, then I hardly see Darth flipping Groupscum as well.

Yes and I donā€™t care cuz itā€™s the truth.

Have you read the article on what to do in lylo?

Sometimes itā€™s better to lynch the wolf who will be easier lynched than the person you are sure is wolf because other people will lynch them.

Whatā€™s scummy about that post?

Just the idea that you are going after Jake because heā€™s an easy lynch is gross.