ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Nah I’m going after him cuz I think he’s wolf

But arete is too

The problem is nobody wants to vote arete

So I’m voting jake to at least get the red flip

Oh shit, it’s LYLO D1?

We are fucked.

Screw off the same principles apply

I just saw it there

Marshal, if (in your eyes) I were to flip town, how would that change your thinking?

You wont

Cool. Well I’m pretty sure you haven’t listened to anything I’ve said nor for you care because you have an agenda to push.

If Marshal is groupscum, he’s expendable. Might be solo scum.


Can you please read and answer this post instead of going on a tangent on how I’m strawmanning you when it’s obvious that I’m not? (for this case, at least)

What mafia roles are expendable? Maybe the support?

They might be BMer

Again I said I just won’t answer your questions because you frame them in such an infuriating and unfair way

Care to elaborate on how they are infuriating and unfair, so that I can ask you the same but improved version of the question?

You… ack…

I’m taking a short break from this game to stop me from rage replacing out

36 hours should be enough

Lynch jake or arete or whoever

Darth flips non-gs in this scenario

Marshal out


I… don’t know how Marshal can do this. I ask them a genuine question and they respond with… not answering at all. Can someone else assure me that me interpreting that like scum who’s been… I don’t even know what to call it. Outed is the only word I can think of right now, but I know that isn’t right.

I do want a second opinion on this, because I don’t know how to handle marshal anymore. They are super scummy IMO, so

/vote Marshal

but I still want someone, anyone, to explain whether or not Marshal’s actions are scum AI


Usually, his scum meta revolves around doing actions with a certain agenda in mind

I had the same exact thought

Meta is useless IMO.

We have no way to verify that they know their meta or not, and act in accordance with their town meta, or disaccordance with their scum meta.

I try to ):

Tell me where darth is right now