ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

imagine sleeping to 10:30 on a weekday

ok let me get this straight
The guy who claimed sheriff with a redcheck was RTing
Marshal claims LO seeing two people on Derps
Eevee claims TI roleblocked
am I missing anything

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I mean itā€™s 8:30 on a Friday for me

maybe they are doing what they are actually supposed to be doing

oh look an arete

itā€™s the one

from yesterday:
squid claims vet
REM claims doctor

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is REM sulit

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arete who did you visit last night

yes but Iā€™m typing on my school computer and it wonā€™t let me type split



sue lit

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Hi I just woke up

I tried to target Diggity/Isaac last night because he was completely null to me, I got that I was witched and that my target was NS

Iā€™m not sure if Witch would show visiting both targets or just the person they control, if itā€™s the first thing then Marshal has to be fake (or RTing) or else Jgoes moderrored (because me + Witch + person who actually killed Derps makes 3)

Spanish class reee

I wonā€™t get to see arete flail


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If you are asking I claim sheriff in that post, then no.

Checked as wide TI word, not exact role.

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Retracting his claim apparently.

Still waiting.

I see, it is weird coming from lookout claim.

wait lol aerie just posted

Also why were multiple people defending me from Isaac claiming a redcheck

Iā€™m not scum but the Occamā€™s Razor explanation there would be me being scum

In ToS witch only visits the target not who you get sent to

Because youā€™re in town meta.

because people are trying to pocket/suspicious of the d1 non-poster