ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

How so?

Then how can Arete/Marshal be explained?


Letā€™s not pull another role into frame where we hardly are able to add it anyway.


Well, itā€™s definitely T/W or W/W


We are assuming Katze retrained someone.
There is space for one more scum PR for all theories to work much better.

If Katzeā€¦ retrained themselfes.

Which makes sense if only 1 scum pr was situational.
Then they either use it, or just straightforward kill with it.

If it wasnā€™t for fact that RT slots are limited, disguiser literally explains it in a way where both are town.

Am doing an escape room

Be back in like 2 hours

How would Disguiser solve that?

Swapping results of Arete and Mafia performing kill?

Literally making Arete visit who is killed and mafia killing visit someone else, making them confirmed non-killer.

Thatā€™sā€¦ very easy way of protecting against lookouts.

This feels like TMI.

How would you know that the Mafia elect a player to kill, instead of the host randing one of them to do it?

ā€¦ once again.

I reviewed it.
I plaied it before.

Sure, itā€™s from my memory and it failed once already (with day chat), but thatā€™s kindaā€¦ basic?

Sorry for inactivity. Work

@Possessed hello

We have no way of knowing just how much info a reviewer would know, and a Mafia would know.

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You were found Mafia by @Arete


Did you get a chance to read anything? (I say this like I donā€™t know what my wife, who Iā€™ve lived with for over 6 years, does when were home lmao)

That much as a person who plaied this setup 4 times before.
Is it enough?

Both from SK, mafia and town PoV (never was witch, but ehhh)

youā€™re at l-2 scum defend yourself

Just tell her sheā€™s getting executed, I never explained the L-2 part.

@Anjic89 were executing you for being inactive scum