ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

He do be vibin’ tho

Arete is not scum vibing tho.

@darth_tabor What specific posts ping you as off?

Probably the ones accusing their scumpartner kappa123

Do I look like kappa123? I don’t know that person.

You do be knowin’ tho

Don’t have time rn to do an actual read, and I wouldn’t do one this early anyway. Y’all get my vibe check and that’s it for now

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I’m kidding frost, don’t n1 kill me bro

Do explain the read later.

None taken.

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I really want to do this meme…

/vote Arete



In my experience I feel like a d1 readlist is scum-AI, but I do sorta concede that in your case it might be NAI, just maybe. It just feels like you’re trying to clear scum buddies/pocket some townies

I look from my perspective, and you just feel, like, weird

I look from a neutral perspective, and I kinda see how you got to squid but not the other two

wait is this hammer

Hardclaiming Sheriff

I think we’re at like L minus two

No, it’s L-1 :^)



Yeesh. So know I know what it looks like when I get force-claimed D1. Yikes.

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The problem isn’t the reasons behind your push it’s the fact that you don’t seem to actually valid in it