ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]


Bahhhh let me jump onto Arete when theyā€™ve made sound conclusions all game bahhhhh

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Arete wagon is awful and they should feel awful. SR me for defending Arete, but I donā€™t see it and I donā€™t care how that looks. This is like the PKR wagon D1 in Candlelight: Fucking gross.

Six of ten current votes:


If those are the voters, anyone town would question it. You and Marshal look like meme voters, Eevee Iā€™m convinced is likely solo scum, Jake is Jake, Bepwei has had questionable content all game (and is SRing me for pushing them lolok) and ClonedCheese is counterpushing Arete. No pushes of merit there.

Tbh possessed is just confused town here. And sulit Iā€™m pretty sure is town.

This is exactly what I said earlier
then Derps wrote it off as ā€œall scum slips are a jokeā€ didnā€™t even deny/fight it being a slip

glad someone else sees it and Iā€™m not crazy

@sulit do you try to play differently on here than on Hypixel?

What do you think about his view on Sulitā€™s defense of you

After reading some of areteā€™s iso, I think the start was bad, but in general they are the top content poster. Also the claim I think should valued and we really need a CW to Arete for wagonomics


I mean sheā€™s rightā€¦ what exactly are you looking for?

I meant do you disagree with this statement
is her defense of you just meta? Do you feel it is valid

What about Sulit, Eevee and Darth_Tabor?

Possessed have at least mentioned they were nearly hammered and heā€™s right.

What about them?

Nevermind Eevee, he unvoted and then voted back.

Sulit and Darth_Tabor have at least voted Arete and then backed off?

Ill look into it. Im only going on current votes. Obviously my feelings are known on Sulit, but I havenā€™t looked into Darth Tabor yet.

Understandable, I am saying we shouldnā€™t ignore those who have unvoted, at least skimming through ISO.

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Possessed, I know what my scumtell is. Sometimes Iā€™m quiet on purpose, but I have classes to focus on and sleep. Seriously, you pinged me during a time an American should be sleeping. I already have sleeping issues, so I get even more unfocused. Jesus Christ, if youā€™re going to mention crap like that, do it when Iā€™m awake and not while Iā€™m asleep to throw shade around

Arete scum end of story

Sorry Squid. Not that it means anything but I am on American time too. I donā€™t know everyoneā€™s sleep schedule or sleeping habits :man_shrugging:

I wonderā€¦ What does everyone think of Arete/Possessed being a possible scumteam and whatā€™s the likely hood of existing?

Also, Iā€™m sorry for sounding pissy. Iā€™ve had a confusing morning