ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Cant you just turn off notifications?

I donā€™t think I can tbh. And I donā€™t think I should since notifications are there for a reason :confused:

Until morning at least if its possible. I can sleep through an earthquake though so idk.

Possessed took a really hard stance on Areteā€™s wagon being a terrible one. I donā€™t know anything about how he plays but thatā€™s not an interaction most scum would pin themselves with day one. Not likely S/S.

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If I were him as scum with Arete I would have continued to push Sulit or that other guy whose name I forgot as a counterwagon instead of attacking Areteā€™s wagon directly

Thatā€™s been posed a few times. I wonā€™t scum meta myself, but I invite anyone who feels this to be the case to ask themselves if thatā€™s something either of us would do as scum. If our interactions are scum indicative, and not just that Iā€™m trying to stop a bad wagon.

Okay, anything specific you know about?

Oh I havenā€™t given up the push. I just want it known that I still hate Aretes wagon for different reasons.

Awe thanks! Hi every1!

Possessed, deflection much? Lol

Read some of whatā€™s going on and make your opinions. I want honest reads, and if they are doctored ill know.

Why do you believe its a deflection?

I think their S/S

I have TMI

I donā€™t believe I understand what kind of too much information is involved here.

Quote the TMI. Convince me and youā€™ll have your sheep vote on Arete.

Iā€™m scum with arete and poss Iā€™m bussing them

No ones gonna think weā€™re S/S if I say Iā€™m bussing you guys lol

So weā€™re probabaly fine

Oh shit busted!

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