ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

is REM sulit

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arete who did you visit last night

yes but I’m typing on my school computer and it won’t let me type split



sue lit

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Hi I just woke up

I tried to target Diggity/Isaac last night because he was completely null to me, I got that I was witched and that my target was NS

I’m not sure if Witch would show visiting both targets or just the person they control, if it’s the first thing then Marshal has to be fake (or RTing) or else Jgoes moderrored (because me + Witch + person who actually killed Derps makes 3)

Spanish class reee

I won’t get to see arete flail


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If you are asking I claim sheriff in that post, then no.

Checked as wide TI word, not exact role.

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Retracting his claim apparently.

Still waiting.

I see, it is weird coming from lookout claim.

wait lol aerie just posted

Also why were multiple people defending me from Isaac claiming a redcheck

I’m not scum but the Occam’s Razor explanation there would be me being scum

In ToS witch only visits the target not who you get sent to

Because you’re in town meta.

because people are trying to pocket/suspicious of the d1 non-poster

You’re gamesolving instead of pushing agenda 'til the day you die

Is Arete bad enough that he can’t emulate town meta as scum?

Take Isaac with you


Y e s

I actually never claimed lookout.
I claimed Ti.

Thats why mafia would be afraid of me checking Katze, cause in 66% chance I was role which could do it.

I think.