ToS Mafia - Dead Chat

and it didn’t contain only town, Jake and your slot were both in it

Since when was I in your PoE?

also i’d like to point out
i said to you “i’m going to cover up my meta”
and you didn’t even bat an eye when i was in my ‘town meta’

The post where I created an 8 person PoE with 0 Mafia was post 1481

this was before you replaced in

yeah, I underestimated your ability to fake it because you haven’t been able to do so previously

nice job!

to be clear that’s not sarcasm

i’m just disappointed because i feel like it’s andrej’s fault for me getting lynched

The exclamation mark is sarcasmy

A period would have been better


marshal i’m just going to say
i genuinely thought you were scum

Yes I know

You should have known arete was telling the truth anyways

So like u had mech on it

I knew you were bullshitting, but I was convinced you were scum before I even replaced in

and then u tried to bus me for towncred

High IQ

did you notice my attempt to claim you and arete were TvT on a ‘gutread’

that was me going “okay so i should try to break up marshal and arete’s fight so i can make marshal look towny at least”, followed by going “fuck it, no way he’s gonna make it out of this when he’s pushing agenda so hard, he’s the most obvious scum in the universe”



i considered marshal to be a lost cause

to be fair his play would’ve been pretty good if he had been Witch

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! You all are loved and cared for! Never forget that <3


who is the biggest nerd on the forum?


searching usernames on reddit whilist bored has yeilded interesting results

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