ToS Mafia - Dead Chat

did you actually have 2???

mafioso pranked you

prankster pranked bepwei

so who was actually witched

no clue

probably nobody given it was andrejs slot

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also why did you guys prank me into getting an NS check

a fake redcheck would have been far spicier

i truly have no idea why

if i was alive you would have gotten some wacky results

i was so happy when we had a prankster

i was gonna meme tf outta people


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I wish I couldā€™ve taken the shot so you could retrain mafioso to prankster ;-; I am sorry

if u had you would be outted wolf via my reactiontest boomer

or at the very least thunderdomed with aroot

kat fac killing was mafs saving grace tbh

Marshal are there really no games I can join? ;-;

not on this site at least

trust me i would like to have one too

Aw man. Anyways, how are you?

not really great actually

not gonna go into full details but im now gonna make an effort to quit drinking entirely due to recent events


Man. It must be that bad if an American is considering to quit drinking. If you were Irish this would be unprecedented

i just did not have a great night last night

i think more alcohol then i could handle and me being sick already created many unfortunate circumstances.

But you can get through this. Just FPS irl and youā€™ll be destroying ā€œnerdsā€ xP. Seriously though, if anyone can RT life, itā€™ll be you Marshal. So show em who is one of the best players on FoL are :smiley:

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Just remember not to push yourself too hard. Relax and take a back seat from time to time. Itā€™s better to take a small break than a permanent one just because you didnā€™t wanna call it a bit early

nah im taking a fucking permanent break for sure

or at least until i turn 21

not going to lie, I feel like I kind of dodged a bullet by disliking the taste of alcohol

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XP. If its drinking alcohol I agree with the permanent break thing. But I was more referring to school work or other things that may be stressing you out