ToS Mafia - Dead Chat

no im reffering just to drinking alcohol

Ah ok. Then yes take a permanent break oh jeez XP. I donā€™t wanna hear one of my favorite Texans dipping because of drinking a bit too much. Maybe try to find a replacement? Like drink lots of water when you have a thirst for alcohol

yeah im thinking

usually its a stress thing

and so im gonna do my best to find ways to releive stress that donā€™t destroy my liver and make me vomit everywhere

just donā€™t be stressed

problem solved


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TO BE CLEAR that was sarcasm

i can tell nerd lul

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is there something specific thatā€™s causing you to be stressed?

Have you tried playing video games? Or maybe a pass time activity? Like when I am feeling stressed I like to walk out and see the city and NYC. Especially the sky. It letā€™s me know that even if everything isnā€™t going the way I may want it to go, itā€™s so small to whatā€™s going on out there. And it reassures me that I can get through it

I donā€™t plan on drinking, Iā€™ll just be the permanent designated driver my entire life


Most Iv drank is a sip of wine on New Years

Champagne* lol

I donā€™t really know the difference it both comes in a bottle xd

school and the feeling like im being watched

both just give me more anxiety then i need. and i think iā€™ve been ignoring how unhealthy my way of coping is

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Have you considered a therapist

i am.

gonna talk to my parents about it in the near future



let us know if thereā€™s anything we can do for you

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I am happy. Hopefully everything will be resolved soon. Donā€™t give up Marshal. We all believe in you :smiley:

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we wanted double prank n1 and then to retrain wazza n2

the factional was never gonna be you n1

as an alcoholic who has drank significantly less recently

good idea

ily (no homo)

current prediction

if town gets lynched today town loses

if non-town (including Italy) gets lynched today town wins