ToS Mafia - Dead Chat

What’s even going on

I’m too salty to post that flip.

They just straightforward threw out my plan out of the window, let my death go to waste and lowered number of misslynches before a loss by 1.

Then they proceeded saying I’m insane and crazy.

Insane and crazy? Maybe. Smart enough to gamesolve? Still yes.

I gave them a bonus lynch.
They threw it out of the window and complained that my plan was stupid and didn’t work.


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Eevee that’s what I meant by the move you did changing nothing and even making town’s situation worse. Your plan was brilliant, but a plan only works if all the pieces go into place. Town wasn’t going to move towards your plan. All the resistance on just the discussion part of it should’ve shown their resolution.

What happened:

Day 6 - 7 -> 6
Night 6 - No deaths
Day 7 - AHAHAHAH, eevee is crazy, his plan didn’t work. Let’s lynch Cheese cause he was supposed to sucide on night 7, which didn’t happen yet.


Trust me, I know that feeling.
Knowing that you’re right, that you’ve figured out exactly who the scum are, but nobody believes you, decides to call you scum pushing for mislynch or just outright ignoring you.

It’s not a resistance.
It’s just they didn’t read it at all.

jmw was forced to play into this and plan was to make sure we get best solution out of ALL outcomes.

Town… just didn’t bother to follow best solution despite being handed it.

i bet you 50 schmeckels squid alerts

I don’t care they didn’t bother about me saying to reevaluate jmw.
They could just townread them.

But you can’t just fail a plan on your own and call planmaker crazy.

It was them who failed the damn plan.

When you do something wrong, it’s never “your” fault.
They failed and blamed you for it.

Isn’t resistance when you attempt to refuse to accept or comply? They refused to accept or comply with your plan despite you handing it to them. If that isn’t resistance I don’t know what is

Mafia loses her no matter what…right?

They lynch JMW tomorrow.

JMW has to kill Sulit tonight.

Sulit is dead tho?


Also this town apparently hasn’t realized that you can and should NL in F4 with scum having 1 KPN

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Yeah, they didnt and thats where my plan to get F4 over F3, so Cheese can selfeliminate put them in even worse position.

shit, not sulit. I meant Squid, she’s the only mechanically confirmed player.

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Squid has one more alert left. If I were Jwm I would probably wait one more night before killing Squid

Squid is alerting again 100%