ToS2399 - ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴛʜʀᴇᴀᴅ - ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴏᴠᴇʀ [ᴍᴀꜰɪᴀ ᴡɪɴꜱ] - ᴀᴡ ꜱʜɪᴛ, ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴡᴇ ɢᴏ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ


PKR and Mist are easy town here. PKR checked by Wazza, believe Mist is checked by PKR in some way? And is anyways socially town IMO. Also I’m town.

Conroy is still pretty likely town for mech reasons TM, and even disregarding that I like how chill and unrushed he was in the thread D1.

Yell at me or something if this is a bad read but I feel like Italy actually doing things and having WiM is town AI.

Ok so I think I’m gonna look at Dat closer since this was Emilia’s main push. She said he had little thought process and was just reacting to the thread so imma be lookin for that. While I do kinda see what they’re talking about I think a lot of shit in Dat’s ISO is pretty town AI. I like his frusteration with PKR. I like his approach to Intensify earlier in the game, like he was genuinely trying to solve the slot. I like his reasoning and thought process on cheese. There’s just a lot of things in his ISO that I think just come from town. Pretty confident here. I also checked CFM2 and got the same vibes.

Jane Jane Jane Jane
I like their aggressiveness when they replace in to solve. Just scrolling through their ISO i just don’t see anything exactly scummy tbh. The only thing that stood out to me as kind weird is

They commented on how the VC never lynched a wolf, however I believe that Emilia was the top wagon at the moment and they were still content with lynching them. There’s some stuff they’ve said in our PM that makes me more likely to believe they’re town but they’re not a super strong TR for me atm.

Zone basically claimed lost wolf and I’m pretty sure he’s dying tonight anyways.

PKR is gonna kill cheese but I’ve already expressed I think cheese is p likely scum.

We left with

Time to ISO Marshal
the thing ive been avoiding
i just kinda feel like Marshal as town. It always makes me anxious to make this read because I know Marshal is competent as scum, but when playing scum Marshal always seems really performative with reads to me. Here they seem genuine and thought out, and I thought and still thing the RT on Arete is town. I like how they appraoched my slot in dms when trying to solve it and overall I just don’t want to lynch this yet. I also liked how they specifically looked for the Emilia contradiction thing and how they acted like they’d found a scum even though Emilia did flip town ayaya.

I kinda just want to see if he ever confirms his vig then go from there.
I do wanna know @Marshal what’d you do N1.


POE rn ^

Gonna look closer at the above list in a couple mins I’m losin my focus on this

I’ve reread thread. I have a few thoughts on things in general and then i’ll rank my new reads. Feel free to ask for greater explanations on anything I don’t want to make this a megawall.

Kyo’s CFD attempt on me makes me think that kyo and zone share alignments. If zone is w, it was very likely a last-ditch effort to save him. wolf!kyo however has no real reason to try to cfd off of v/v wagons if zone is a villager. I guess town!kyo wolf!zone is possible, but I see that as the likely out of v/v, w/w.

I hated it personally, and it was in all essence of the word, terrible, but it’s not exactly out of his villager range and I would probably want zone’s flip before I reserve further judgement on his slot (which would mean I don’t touch it today)

Apprentice looks… really bad. His vote on me after emilia died seems preplanned and the traction I have gotten after it (even when he jumped off the wagon) makes me believe this even more. Probably one of my highest wolfreads.

In all honesty I still have PKRanoia. But he’s greenchecked so I’d only go for that really late in the game and if he’s v he is probably dead by then anyways

Sulit has been super fucking high WiM and super fucking bold. She just… I dunno I don’t think she’s in her wolf range at all.

How the fuck is maximusprime not dead yet the guy has done no solving and is in no way similar to his 4444 game the guy is very likely a wolf.

There are a couple of just “PoE” slots that I can’t seem to sort but that need to go sooner or later

Italy, Gorta, (zone and cheese to an extent as well, but those will go)

I should still never fucking be the yeet until zone flips. jfc

I spent a lot of time looking at light’s main thread posts and in all honest I think they say very little about his alignment. Still liked his earlier PM things and arete did too but at this point that holds less water for me.

In all honesty besides that 1 post on me/arete everything simon has done is super fakeable tbhtbh and is or was probably planning to discredit me on zone wolf flip tbhthbtbh

Dat can post as wolf, it’s a thing that can possibly happen, but I don’t think he can have such a heavy PM presence as well. I read ToLFM and he just was so shelled while here he is actively talking and solving in both PMs and main thread i think it’s possible he’s wolf but it would be suprising and I don’t want to push that today

Cheese is wolfy but he dies so ezez

Jane I have no fucking idea

Conroy still ok, socially and card-wise, I guess it’s possible ici would make a fake card with fake ability names that he created and then left a reference that nobody would get in the fake card but I doubt it.

think das everyone

A lot of my reads depend on flips of zone so i’m not going to make a readlist just a general lump of thoughts


/vote apprentice

Emilia shot was fine but because it was a public vig, he was never going to get to use it hiddenly on a towncore member

so he killed a townie but his first reaction was to push me for it and then he backs off he doesn’t seem like an impulsive townie I didn’t like it and claiming LW aint out of his range in the slightest idk why i liked this earlier but I don’t now so goodbye nerd

No, Intensify was top wagon, and I was voting Emilia.

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I had no action

I moderated intensify d1 (:slightly_smiling_face:) and there were no valid targets for me to select n1

I think I tried to send one to him anyways but I don’t think that actually worked

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why did everyone post at once

I mean it’s not everyone posted at once

it’s just me and soolit made big wallposts at the same time because we were gonna reeval

who @ everyoned in scumchat :^)

my ideal yeet order today would probably be


i dont like how we’re just killing poe and they keep flipping town

like eh

its not even like i can go off at like jane or marshall or even sulit and go

“oh you scum for having x attitude regarding y slot”

bc like it’s just inactive slots dying one by one

cheese has this really obvious thing he does as scum when he’s about to die

and id like to see just come online to see what happens

I mean

idk what else to do

I don’t really find anyone that could be pushing that kind of thing particularly scummy still after rereading everyone

i care more about your poe

than TRs tbh

but like

my poe is just removing my trs

We need to rethink everything today. I was going to ask Emilia for anything that could prove her town, but she was vigged before I could

Let’s not snap vote and I think cheese is being vigged by PKR

I am trying to, but have been sleeping. I have asked Zone,Emilia, and Cheese to provide stuff to prove they are town because I want to solve, but it seems like people are hesitant.

I know, but the thread has mostly been memes and then people were talking in pms. I did set up pms and did try to do some solving. I have been asking a few people questions, asking people to confirm how they are town, I have been working with dat a bit, and stuff like that @sulit @Zone_Q11 @DatBird can confirm this and you can look at my response to @Apprentice’s RT I have even tried working with Jane a bit


I don’t want to go for mist or pkr or sulit or dat or you

Like the PoE could be innacurate but… who the fuck are the deepwolves then? I might honestly consider you in this regard, but nobody else.

I guess I could add jane before kyo to my wanted yeet order because I don’t want to yeet kyo until we get zone’s flip

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I even reached out to wazza and tried to get stuff out of wazza


you lol

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this isn’t LyLo (I uh hope), snapvoting is fine because votes are not locked and it’s plurality

and snapvoting isn’t always bad right @katze :^)

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I could totally see Marshal/Dat after my DM with Dat tbh lmao


if the wolves are in dat/conboi/marshal/mist/pkr/jane

then like



the only one I could really ever see flipping scum there atm is jane