ToS2399 - ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴛʜʀᴇᴀᴅ - ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴏᴠᴇʀ [ᴍᴀꜰɪᴀ ᴡɪɴꜱ] - ᴀᴡ ꜱʜɪᴛ, ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴡᴇ ɢᴏ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ





Wow nice player 0 posting day 2 and day 3 and day 4 :joy_cat:

marshal’s approach is absurdly villagery


Mist handing out free TRs to POE people like this is your local food bank giving food to the homeless :sob:

get me out


if you are town (and I do genuinely think you are) you are making a fool out of yourself and you have been since anoncomp. It’s the same thing. The exact same thing. There’s a person or group of people doing 1 thing and you are tunneling the villager putting in a fuckton of work to prove it’s not them. Wall after wall and post after post of calling it ez me.

If you are town you are so caught up in yourself and your ego and your laziness to put any actual work besides what you thought at SoD that you will never ever find the game.

Like honestly if you are town you should look at yourself, self-reflect, think that maybe, just maybe, you could be wrong. I know it’s difficult for you to admit to yourself but it’s a carbon motherfucking copy of anoncomp and you will learn nothing about it. Nothing. You’ll blame me post game or something and we’ll go about our days.

If you are wolf you are doing well and pushing the wolf-agenda very hard good job on that!

Can’t guilt trip me into re evaluating your slot by calling me conf biased because I did it once :joy_cat:

And like

This tunnel is only strengthening my tr of you because of how similar it is to newd3 lylo. Which is even worse, because the more I read the more I think this the more I think you are going to never fucking re-evaluate what reads you had at the end of the day and justfucking GOD just call me wolf wolf wolf and be utterly shocked when I flip v.

Don’t be. Just don’t be. Mentally prepare yourself for the realization that you were wrong and that you were the reason town lost the game.

Marshal is townie. Venus was townie.

Telephone did literally nothing all LyLo. my entire PoE did literally nothing all lylo.

And you will continue to be a cantankerous… NERD because you refuse to consider that you have done anything wrong

Anything I post you will say is wolfy. You have already decided i’m a wolf and your own incessant confirmation bias will not allow you to re-evaluate unless you get your head out of your ass.

I’m going to go ride or die on this villa read and try to convince you if it is the last thing I do
and If I don’t at least teach you that your additude sucks and makes it so taht town cannot win lylos

I have evolved beyond the need for feelings

Your foolish tactics may have worked once in the past

I don’t care

Then it will be this that loses the game.

Prepare to be objurgated by myself and the rest of the game once it is over.

i will make the wolves as obvious as possible for you and the villagers as well just so that when you refuse to look at any of it, it will be just that much more infuriating for the townies who tried this game.


My can trying to use words I cannot understand to manipulate me

lies lies lies lies :joy:

go scum boy go




Do what you please.

If you have any form of introspection then ping me and we can have a discussion

I’m going to hope it’s only 5 wolves and that I can try to convince everyone else.

I don’t talk to a member of the scumteam

spew your scummates if you wanna

want a simpler definition?

Yelled at


Yelled at for doing something wrong.

Prepare for that
I’m going to hope someone in my PoE is town and that they can convince me of that fact

Anyway any townies in thread?

You are currently acting like a spoiled child.

but you are… an adult

I hope people realize how not okay this is on every level

bye now

I can’t do this shit for longer or I might actually start fucking shaking

Does day end today or tomorrow

tomorrow :joy_cat:

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okay so


are all clear to me atm



and I’m assuming theres 5 scum in the above

no clue where Maxi has gone and I hate how he left after I started asking him about the conversion thing

If I had to order from most to least likely scum here I’d probably go


The thing thats confusing me a ton tho is why me and Light’s actions failed

Like maybe scum blocked all invest actions? But then Light probably wouldn’t be scum

confused noises