ToS2399 - ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴛʜʀᴇᴀᴅ - ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴏᴠᴇʀ [ᴍᴀꜰɪᴀ ᴡɪɴꜱ] - ᴀᴡ ꜱʜɪᴛ, ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴡᴇ ɢᴏ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ

ok you called me a normie now you must die

but I think we should take zone’s specific advice and just ignore him. He dies tonight, unless I die today. That is all we need to know

…? You are saying that me playing as a “lost wolf” is something I would do as scum? …ah heck, I need to do that, actually.

This game only has plurarity, so I can easily see my scum self actually throwing the game if he also has a ****** ability like I currently have.

no. because it wasn’t subverting your win condition. a good number of people read you town over it iirc
plus, you yourself literally admitted that that is the sort of thing you would do, in knowing that arete would think you’re scum for the sarcastically said you’re mafia.
aka, according to you, arete thinks that you would do exactly this, only except one level down from what we’re talking about

except it did. arete totally townread you over it before i told them my perspective.
and as we’ve established, you’re very good at predicting town arete. so it stands to reason you could expect that they would townread you over it.

is townlocking someone that bad of a thing to do as evil? afaik it wouldnt be that bad, since you could just kill them at night somehow (which is exactly what happened :eyes:). and yet you’re talking about it like it would be this big downside for you as scum.
and again we’ve established that you would do thinks like this as scum. just not things on this level/scale as of yet.

its not an attack on your character. its an assessment. im not faulting you for doing it at all. because it almost worked. thats not really a negative aspect of your character imo.

except it wouldnt, and you would do that, (and in fact you have already admitted that you would do that on the smaller scale)

it says it in the quote that was given to me in my classcard when i first got it.
the virus is deadly. however by passing it on it was weakened. due to the thing with pm’s we cant really pass it on any more. heres a screenshot:

Arete, derps or wazza if they were alive could confirm this, you yourself should be able to confirm this although im not sure that you will. there might be someone alive still who could confirm it.
i believe that the people who were told they were infected by geyde did not get this card though.

im not saying you cant have shot him. im saying that we would not know either way. perhaps that is what you have done/will do. i dont know.

i believe you said that you are out of moderates. im not sure who else was moderated besides zone, but you couldnt use this hypothetical vig on most other people anyway

k i admit im not entirely sure what you mean by this part but, and what if zone isnt wolf? i dont necessarily think thats the case, but i think that its possible. and as what you’ve said here seems to hinge on them being a wolf, would it not fall apart were they not a wolf?
same with the previous bit too kinda, but that one also had a point i could recognize and address separately so i did that there.

you may notice that i seem to be repeating myself quite a bit here. i am. but thats because marshal was simply repeating the same points but worded a bit differently each time. i just chose to not word them differently more or less. perhaps marshal did this intentionally in order to bulk out his argument more and make it seem more credible, or maybe he unintentionally did it bc hes angry. i dont fully know, but i thought i would point it out regardless.

Inb4 people ignore me AGAIN and still continue talking about me. Ah… I sometimes hate being able to predict this ****.

/vote cheese

i can get behind this

“If I am not a wolf,” then scum gets an extra free kill while those who consulted with Marshal (among others you) will get ‘towncred’ and get a motive to push Marshal on D4.

I am not even being looked at as a person right now. I am LITERALLY a STEPPING STONE PLOT DEVICE by this point.

/Vote Cheese

PKR can take care of someone else.

ill do reeval stuff tonight

but this is fine for now

not voting cheese before I hear from pkr and before I do a hard re-eval

but yes the fact that the virus exists at all is a really not good look for him

my cheese issue is that he had a kinda whatever push on Apprentice then just

did nothing

and got zero pressure

from what i can tell.
YUG is almost all night actions.
ARG is for stuff, day abils, night abils, or passives, which concern the setup mechanics, such as things with the incants, or probably like mech oracle stuff idk.
DAY is almost all day abilities, the counterpart to YUG
PNG is for passives that are not ARG
KIL is the only one that seems to be specialized for function, in killing or attacking people.

and if he does die im still going to be voting you.

yeah okay. i wasnt really saying you wouldnt be responsible for the kill. i was saying that the presence of your vig would not be confirmed, and as such you would not be confirmed in your claim.

yeah because i wasnt looking at you lol. i was looking at marshal. whether the person he was targeting was you or like italy or something idk my post would be pretty much the same.

i can’t feel big brain anymore

sorry man. its not on you in this game if that helps. i just meant that it wasnt because marshal was targeting zone,
and if i said that with the first name that came to mind, pkr, i felt like i would get crucified for daring to say that someone might think the ‘confirmed’ town is scum

Votecount 3.1.2

Marshal - 2 - Simon, Apprentice
Clonedcheese - 3 - Mist, Sulit, Jane



Marshal - 1 - Simon
Clonedcheese - 3 - Mist, Sulit, Jane

This is indeed the case.

No, no I cannot.

I will be vigging Cheese tonight.
Cheese is veto from being todays vote.