ToS2399 - ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴛʜʀᴇᴀᴅ - ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴏᴠᴇʀ [ᴍᴀꜰɪᴀ ᴡɪɴꜱ] - ᴀᴡ ꜱʜɪᴛ, ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴡᴇ ɢᴏ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ

future sight

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What is this lol

If you recall I said that I had intensify as a null leaning town and got towny pings from the slot, but the way Intensify reacted to that RT made me doubt things. In hindsight I should have went with my gut, but there’s nothing I can do now. I never had Intensify as a strong town lean

I can, does it matter if I quote it?

In this case I was reading App as non town because they just claimed some kind of non town role and didn’t 100% know it was an rt, so yeah I called that out. I did change my mind after it was revealed to be an rt. I don’t think reaction tests like that always come from scum, which is why I got a towny ping from the rt

Marshal pinged me for a reason and thought I did it. I might have been over reacting, but the only thing Marshal has done is throw shade my way and accuse me of being a damn wolf ever since d1, which is why I acted the way I did

Can we quote conversations?

also this game isn’t the first time I went with the consensus instead of my gut and screwed up in doing so

In insurgency I was acting somewhat like I am here and I did get misexecuted for it

Votecount 4.2

Marshal - 5 - DatBird, Centuries, Apprentice, Simon, Light
Italy - 1 - Low Sentinel
an_gorta_pratai - 1 - DatBird
Light - 1 - Marshal
MaximusPrime - 2 - Jane, Mist

Can we quote dms?

self meta

could this be w/w ?

this is like what scum would do tbh

dunno gorta im less sure of than like marshal or maxi

and why do you think that? Could you explain your reasoning?


Ok so


I’ve seen my PM
App is IC by this point
PKR & Mist know they are both town and we know one of them is town because Wazza got a check


These are the people I’m willing to just yeet rn like I don’t even feel like pushing them because they are going to guilt trip me into re evaluating

I assume it’s 4/5/6 scum so


has at least 3 townies

Jane/Sulit are probably town



Maybe I’m being too eh~ish on Dat’s slot but there’s stuff that lead me to believe he could be W/W with Marshal
Simon has done nothing but mech but then it’s not very AI, mist thinks he doesn’t have the same alignment as Marshal, I’ll trust him for now
Light, everyone kinda dislikes him dunno why to be honest he’s kinda Kyo-tier in my reads
Italy is giga eh and I do not know what to think of him maybe he’s scum but then I have legit no way to tell his non conf town games apart from his scum game so right now it’s a big ?

1KPN scum goes

We lonch in Marshal/Gorta/Maxi
We lose Mist/App/PKR
We lonch in the remaining two
We lose on the remaining two
We lonch the last one
We lose the last one

Ok so we’re at a situation like this


I don’t think me or Sulit ever dies to a NK especially since if we’re T/T since it’d confirm the other one as town

in a world with Sulit scum, scum could gamble to kill Sulit in order to kill me which would like, make her kinda deep? I guess since she wouldn’t die

Anyway I still think she town

We’d probably be yeeting in Simon/Light/Italy then

Dat I have my like, thoughts and I’d understand if you don’t see it

If we have a protective who saves someone then we probably always win if we lynch the 3 scum in my absolute poe + a member of the scumteam in Simon/Light/Italy

Jane deepwolf would be a yikes for us, uhh I’d have to look at Jane

Stuff like this look townie enough I guess

Does that make Mist BP/DP/Healed/Whatever last night also

Is it even last night

I’m OK with his DG claim for now I guess

Haven’t seen much from Italy

meh I shouldn’t try to sort people in like, the poe I made for day 7

Imma read Marshal I guess

Maybe I should ask @Mistyx is Simon’s claim true and if so

If you were bulletproof last night, would we learn about it upon your flip, so is it a part of your role / Doctor / JSON file

ok reading marshal

just remembered about my file which makes it so we can kill every person in day 7 poe if I don’t fail

ok nice?

im just gonna note post that openly shade day 7 poe people

why does he sound so hyper 50 posts into his iso


idk that’s from what i remember one of the starting posts of the intensify wagon and he doesnt really eval him or anything it’s just once again meme 44 posts in

am i conf biased if i say marshal to gorta is like

giga sus

does he just sr the entire scumteam

he like is 70 posts into his iso full of fluff and he complains about fluff in thread

and he never pushes light/maxi

was scum’s plan just to make thread insufferable

he tmis me as town so hard LMAOO

like he never told me what it was??



is he TMIing him as town

and then doing this at once

only to vote him

he also does this


he doesnt sr gorta anymore

ive already told dat how i srd him by that point and if he’s an actual town member gamer he will tell you its true

maybe this looks more genuine

idk i speedread and it doesnt look townie and it makes gorta look way worse

god if only arete had like

not a 15 people poe

Arete’s top 3 scumreads have also been checked!T/T/T
So… uh… maybe they aren’t worth that much?

their top 3 srs being bad doesnt matter

they were killed for a reason still

@Centuries Did you ever answer this?

your stance on intensify literally flipped the moment you could ml him lol

lets not act like what you did isnt scummy as hell

What stance? The stance of me calling that slot a town leaning null? Like I get it, but Instensify’s reaction to that rt was just terrible and you know it.
