ToS2399 - ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴛʜʀᴇᴀᴅ - ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴏᴠᴇʀ [ᴍᴀꜰɪᴀ ᴡɪɴꜱ] - ᴀᴡ ꜱʜɪᴛ, ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴡᴇ ɢᴏ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ

If you want to wait for my results, that is about 15 hours away, if Marshal’s screenshot of Flash Bomb is to be believed.

However, my ability usage last night was on Simon and Gorta. I was unaware that PKR was marking gorta for death.

do you think they could actually help in any way?

No, I really don’t.

FmPoV, the only option is to vote Simon.

can you answer the quesiton I pinged you for

(I am going to control myself and not vote you first, but like, I would still like to know why should I not vote you down the line)

I… can’t give you a great reason. My slayer’s gambit D1 was… interesting. But what I got from it was terrible, as the results of it do not match up with flips. I’ve been making reads and they’ve been falling quite short of par. I’m not going to go “just trust me hyuk” because that’s stupid. All I can really ask you is if scum would have an ability like mine.

Oh, also me voting SDA in order to save you wouldn’t make sense if I was scum.

Why did you choose Simon and gorta?

I mean i’ll be honest
I’m not in any way convinced by this

wolves having an invest ability isn’t that far off and i’m not really too sure it’s real anyways

I’ll read the vote you are talking about though

Other ability, not my tracing bots.

Top one

Because they were the two most suspicious people in my eyes at the time.

oh like

getting all of the downloads

that’s actually something I considered a point against you in all honesty, we don’t know if you are being truthful about not being able to buy (we do know that you, in some way, have access to the download notes pre-download)

but that seems super powerful and that kind of information probably is something that helps wolves more than villagers

I decided I thought it was a silly reason to push you and so I didn’t bring it up

but, basically, yes I think scum can have that abil

I think I might rather kill Simon then Light. Anyway if Light and Simon do end up cross voting we’re forcing gorta to vote next

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i’m going to read the vote ur talking about now byeby

@Marshal I have a bigger question. Let’s say we lynch Simon today and he flips scum. Do you then lynch me tomorrow?

i messaged simon on my discord dm with him, lets see if this gets him here

I would have to, well, think about it

analyse flips and interactions from simon and like everything that happened to lead up to it

so, no, I would not automatically say “goodbye light”

I’ll be real with you, I probably still would, but it depends.


idk I should stop picking up my phone and like sleep

i am slightly idk

slightly sad ?

at being in lylo once again

Mostly because the rest of the game will probably be in lylo and I’m not going to die because there’s town clears


I’ll just have to keep playing lylo till I inevitably get something wrong

and I’m not looking forward to that

so I’ve been sulking in the corner and waiting for Conroy to get on so

I can have his card