(: (: (:
(: (: (:
/vote Emilia
activity tells printer go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
You know it is bad when you are a furry and you are thinking that everything is just too much rn.
I love Canada
Haha we need a more efficient plague than the one we have now
wAre yowu winnwing sowons
Why are we memeing 700 posts in?
It’s because we the scum control the thread and don’t want anything to get done and no gamesolving can happen
I come back from getting a haircut and I see this damn uwu crap
this is nowothing compared towo other mashes
God if any of you do this in my game I’m modkilling you
uwu scum spotted!!! dayvig him!!! uwu
cursed stuff always happens in ici games
like when sulit and eevee turned into margarine
Can I request to get myself mod killed?
If I knew this was my god damn fate for this game I would’ve outted.
How do you even get modkilled in a game with basically no rules.
Arete isn’t here, so everyone’s just doing what they want.