ToS2399 - ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴛʜʀᴇᴀᴅ - ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴏᴠᴇʀ [ᴍᴀꜰɪᴀ ᴡɪɴꜱ] - ᴀᴡ ꜱʜɪᴛ, ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴡᴇ ɢᴏ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ

hi tired

I’m sulit

be careful bc im one dadjoke away from mentionning cop13

hi one dadjoke away from mentioning cop13

I’m butter


is that just based off my zone read or


i want to let this go but my pride is telling me you’re underestimating my scum game


mist probably can post as scum and hasn’t posted to the point where I think “yeah this is town”

maybe i’ll dm them later and try to get reads from that because that is the best way i’ve actually gotten reads so far


People who should die:

  • clonedcheese
  • Emilia
  • SirDerpsAlot
  • Italy
  • Light

.+ maybe other people, I haven’t skimmed everyone’s ISO yet.



I think it’s correct but I’m not very experienced with networking and stuff.

Do the PMs have less memes in them or did we just decide to play cookie clicker instead of FM?

no u

I don’t know


No one has sent me PMs


So we can just DM anyone as long as we include Icibalus+Geyde, right?


Jane is my best friend

Have they actually started playing the game?

Not sure

I don’t even remember what I based that read on tbh

1 Like

I did. We just havent talked much

Ok so I got tired of doing ReadISO. So imma stop here and give you what I think right now.
Pretty much of all of this is based off info I have on this thread with the exception of App. I probably shouldn’t be making any opinions based on main thread, but I have nothing else to do and town has nothing productive to do right now so I’ll give this. This is incomplete btw, I’ll finish it later probably. For now though, I go play TOL.

Lock Storp (Never reevaluate unless converted)

Me - I am here

Storp Read

Nothing here yet lol

Storp Lean

Nothing here yet lol

Slight Storp Lean

Nothing here yet lol

Null Storp

Gorta - Looking at his ISO, there isn’t actually too much that stands out. He did however have the same interaction I did with Apprentice, and it seems his answer was pretty straightforward so I don’t know if that helps him go higher here. For now though, seems somewhat towny, I think he’s fine.
PKR - Maybe it’s a little too early for slight townleans, but I generally think PKR is pretty towny here right now. Though they do have 15 posts, I felt a towny vibe from post of those posts. Plus, they did attempt to gamesoleve like a couple times, which might not add much but it does for me. Nothing looks wrong about their ISO as well though this one spcific post seems slightly wierd, but I think it can be easily explained later on

Upadte: Some interesting stuff happened.

He claimed… for some reason. I have no idea why, but he just did. This is kinda suspicious in my opinion. I feel like PKR had no reason to really claim here so I’m moving his slot down.
Slight Storp Lean ----> Null Storp.


SirDerpsAlot - Interesting case here. He’s claiming an invest role that checks people’s rolecards, and is asking everyone to PM rolecards. Really unsure how I feel about that really. I feel like this could come from town or scum here. Other than that, nothing else interesting.
Mist - Mist’s ISO feels kinda wierd for me to be honest. Like they did some stuff… which is good, but none of it feels really spicy. Can’t really make up my opinion on them right now though.

These are his posts that have some sort of on-topicness to them. Nothing about them is really that spicy except for maybe the one about Arete? I don’t really feel like saying you have an open PM with everyone is towny, but I guess that’s your opinion.
Italy - Italy’s ISO mostly consists of off-topic stuff… and that’s it. I used to think off-topic Italy = scum, until I played DGADT which proved me wrong. Now I don’t know how to read Italy.
Simon - A null for me. Nothing about him stands out right now. I guess I’ll look into him later when he has more material or something.
App - I don’t trust even after the reveal. His ISO is very bare, which is fine because he did do some PM interactions with me and Gorta. In those PMs, he was kinda eh. I mean I guess I could see a town doing this, but like to be honest, any scum could really do this and try to make one of us say something scummy in hopes of using that against us.
Arete - Mostly off-topic for the like the first couple hours of the day. Then he does the on-topic Arete stuff and even though I would say most of it is very townsolvingish, none really feels I guess enough? to put him on a higher slot? I’m not really sure, but something about Arete feels a little off. Maybe just me though.
KyoDaz - So many nulls today… ugh. I guess I really do need to do some PMs with other people or something for more stuff to think about it but oh well. Nothing relly stands out with this ISO. They have like a couple towny posts here and there. I can’t really say much…

This is like probably the post I would question, but even then… Kyo kinda explained so ehhh…
Zone - Not a lot of post, seems Zone I guess. I can’t say much there. The only thing I am little interested about is this:

He seems to have this weird little insistence on himself being a very close to vanilla role… something about seems odd to be honest. For now though, I won’t think about it too much.
Update: Things happened, actually nevermind, nothing really happened, he just said some more things which none of them really gave me any new info.

Null Scum

ClonedCheese - Nothing much here to be honest.

His opening isn’t that special, nothing to say here.

This thing is just kinda here… I mean I find this like slightly suspicious… but like whatever.

I find this quite odd to be honest… I know some people asked for classcards in a private DM to confirm or something but like honestly… I’m kinda confused why he felt like he needed to post this here.

Slight Scum Lean

Nothing here yet lol

Scum Lean

Nothing here yet lol

Scum Read

Nothing here yet lol

Lock Scum (Never reevaluate unless unconverted)

Nothing here yet lol

Special Little Non Poster/Low Info/Low Poster/Etc. Section

Ami - No content so far for evaluation.
Emilia - No content so far evaluation. Their only posts are basically off-topic JoJo stuff and things for that file. No opinion… If this continues onto day 2 and there have been no PM interactions with them, put them in the PoE.

A Random Totally Pointless Fun Fact That I Swear I Am Totally Not Posting Just Because I Am Putting A Secret Message In Here

Back in medieval ages, people used to make criminals hold a red hot buiring bar of iron as a lie detector. Basically, if you held the bar and your hand was burning, that meant you were lying. People were idiots back then

You can ask any questions you want. I’m just hoping we can getting something productive done in thread instead of just sitting around and doing stuff in PMs instead