Town and Soldout wins! SFOL41: [Ashe's Version] Grande Idea!

I madeth a citizen with this winneth condition

what if you’re neut survivor and die n1?

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I mean there are classes that have wincondition make hjasik win And can convert other ppl

They all lose

that’s going way too far and that’s why I hate it.

All hjasik classes speaketh up anon. Marluxion’s might shall saveth thy souls

Anyway I will try to sleep earlier than I usually do.

goodnight everyone.

Yes out of nowhere but I just want an earlier night.

Neutral Special
immune (Passive) - cannot be affected by any abilities and cannot be lynched
overmind (Passive) - you know everyones class
protect (Day) - choose a target they are guaranteed to be alive at the start of next day - Infinite uses
convert (Day) - convert a player into the super lel - Infinite uses
attack (Night) - attack your target you will bypass death immunity - Infinite uses
convert (Night) - convert a player into the super lel bypasses conversion immunity - Infinite uses
you win when H_Hjasik wins if he isnt in game you cant win

I’ll contribute more D2

Lul 2 convert per night And all converts can also convert

+immune to lynch

T wouldst beest a tragedy if 't be true ev’ry host ev’r did refuse to rolleth those folk.

Mastermind as pfp confirmed scum

What is thy fav’rite animate japanese showeth?


Include hentai?

no hentai lewding in this christian fm


Mod’rat’r, slayeth this heathen

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I see’th what you mean’th.

I shalt dabbeth on these haters’th.

Kneel down heathens i tell you, no evil fiend shall touch our king, i will protect him with my mighty whip, fear not citiziens of bd, i will protect thee! DoHCTJ0XsAcvf6Q

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