Town and Soldout wins! SFOL41: [Ashe's Version] Grande Idea!

Those gents can if 't be true i wanteth to

Blue, ready for the unknown reaction test?
For now have some rest

I want reaction test

I still feel it mad coincidental that someone that had a Rouxls Kaard pfp at the start of this would roll a class that had a post restriction that is basically how Kaard talks.

You want a potato?
Or you want a toe?


Neither of those, please.

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Why you nu want potato
You toe!

No u

(Btw, painter is fun :P)

No u

You got good rhymes, I’ll give you that
But here’s how it stands from where I’m sat
In all reaction tests I got an F
So all I can say is: my nama jeff

sips tea
I just want an interesting class :^)

Dreaming lel

Geyde’s classes are cool
Now lets go swim in a pool


Can someone at least give me a posting restriction? I think that might make me feel better

But I can’t.

Honestly, I cant tell what my class is

One of the Court Wizard?

even worse