Town and Soldout wins! SFOL41: [Ashe's Version] Grande Idea!

This shows that you are overreacting

No it shows I’m calling you a retard, which you are.

It’s because you are mad at getting caught like this

Answer my questions:

Are you scum?

Why are you night immune?

Except I’m not caught and I can’t be ‘caught’ because I’m BD?

But you are scum and you just got caught

Knaves, I ask thee both to please contain thy moods.

How did I get caught?

I can’t be caught as I said

if I was scum I would’ve answered the question right away, because it’s easy to type three words smh

self-meta bad I know

You got caught by showing how self-conscious you are by overreacting to my question

How did I overreact at all?

Why aren’t you answering my questions?

@Emilia answer:

Are you scum?

Why are you night immune?

Can we eke prithee stand ho this senseless discussion?

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Dinner brb

I already quoted those parts why are you asking it again even tho I answered it?

Answer my questions or I’m not talking to you

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Most true statement in this whole thread



What doth thee bethink about hjasik and luxy?

And look how he disappears after questions are asked to him

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