Town and Soldout wins! SFOL41: [Ashe's Version] Grande Idea!

boopy did you know that bird is the word?

Fools job is to get themself exed not make everyone think they are fool
Saying that they won’t defend themself is going against that goal

i had heard


this is epic

I mean. memeing as fool is a viable strategy.

I did it in tol once and my logs were purposely mispelt and I got d2 lynch epic style :sunglasses:

nah im not fool this time

i’m just waiting for something to happen

There is difference between plays in tol and fol

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note everyone is a dumbass in tol instead of fol where it’s only bd


can we legally change the name of blue dragon to blue sheep

I am no sheep

That means I am openwolfing?

I’m talking about fol 18 where bd literally just sheeped FK even tho he was obvious cl

yeah. confirmation bias but whatever

But I didnt

yeah but the living BD.

I’ll give it frost that he somehow survived as fanatic.

even enough that Cult thought they could pull a mislynch on him.

(luxy using anstreim as fk thought he was bd)

/vote ragna

How dare you vote Grandpa!

What do you think about ragna