Town and Soldout wins! SFOL41: [Ashe's Version] Grande Idea!

T wast did add aft’r all class cards w’re hath sent. I has’t madeth a devout king because i did notice t wast broken f’r me to beest instantly confirm’d as blue dragon

/unvote hjasik

/vote boopydoop

no dont

explain why.

Only legit votes on my wagon are Merc luxy and geyde

i got a blue rolecard

I also explained why I voted for you when I did.

Now I’m off your wagon because I think someone here is scummier than you

I’m actually happy meme’s back

I mean. I think Boopy must be scum here.

Yet she probs rolled fool.


Boopy is Fool


what is boopy.

It’s a name

I shall refrain from posting f’r a while because i knoweth yond if 't be true i hath said something, t wouldst beest such a big roast to this guy i wouldst receiveth bann’d from those f’rums

Fool wouldn’t do this lol

aight then good input mr hjasik.

Send it to me through dm

Btw do you want me to claim for shits and giggles?

I’ve already softclaimed anyway.
