Town and Soldout wins! SFOL41: [Ashe's Version] Grande Idea!

oh poison them then

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H_Hjasik, are you sure that she is EK :thinking:


Then why the heck did you poison her :eyes:

Because I think she is EK

Fair point.

Have a nice day.

Good thing is I won’t die even if she is not because nightshade is tied to good king classcard so unless she is classic BD king I won’t die

Lets see the result tmr, I guess .-.

Congratulations, thee poison’d the only proven bd we hadst since th’re is nay evil v’rsion of mine own king class card.

thou art w’rse than margaret because the lady at least hast logic oft

Did you receive any info?

There is EK version of you u added it yourself it’s king Henry but aligned with cult




I think Boopy is worse than Insanity rn but that’s mainly because I havent seen much shit from insanity.

I’ll go and read Insanity.

Meanwhile wait for Marcus to come back and explain Hjasik’s claim.

I think ragna he hasn’t posted anything besides vote and picture during this

Ragna is sorta new to FoL.
He’s a null to me

He was active in warhammer

I mean as boopy said it ain’t a game you can take seriously.

He didn’t give his thoughts here he just made a naked vote picture and left

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but still hja
I get where you’re coming from.