Town and Soldout wins! SFOL41: [Ashe's Version] Grande Idea!

@Luxy @Geyde @GamerPoke
@Astand @Overthebin @Insanity @Isaac_Gonzalez @DatBird voteth baz

Brb gotta dayvig some peeps

No talkies?

Day 2 officially ended with no lynch! Don’t forget to submit your night actions! :mega:


Night 2 will be extended due to thanksgiving :partying_face:


A OOC Killer has used their killswitch to kill everyone! But modbias stopped it and has reverted it to Day 3 with everything except the kilswitch occuring (otherwise everyone wouldve lost and that snow fun :frowning: )

Luxy has died! He was…

Luxy's flip

Citizen :speech_balloon:

Town Social
Very “Useful” (Passive) - You can do absolutely nothing but at least you can vote.
Defeat every faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Day 3 has started, with 21 alive, majority is 11.

I cannot tell you how pissed off I am. I was a class that shouldn’t have been able to get converted, but somehow I got converted to an even worse class!

OP has been updated

The fuck is an occ killer

I have no idea :confused:

I’m pretty sure that is just another way to say Mod.

So basically the OOC Killer turned into a moderator?

Also ew office pfp

That insult is below the belt.

You see office pfp people are the most uninteresting bitches ever and use the office as a talking point to hide the fact they’re uninteresting

But hey what do I know

I see you’ve fixed it


What is being done about Hja? They are going to play this game out, correct?

If there is a problem, DM me

Remove hj or I riot