Town and Soldout wins! SFOL41: [Ashe's Version] Grande Idea!

Replace or modkill?
Maybe I should take my pill


Yo split the pill with ya homeboy

Sorry, it was just a rhyme
But let the bells chime!

Když už mluvíme o pilulky, mohl bych potřebovat nějaký sám, protože se cítím velmi závrať znamená, že bych mohl zvracet znovu

Translation: Speaking of pills, I might need some myself since I feel very dizzy meaning that I might puke again

Why do you talk in gopnjk

Why not,
It’s pretty hot

Because I feel like it :woman_shrugging:

Blink twice if it’s a pr

Blink twice if this is a PR

blink blink

It’s definitely a PR for Gamer.

They’ve been doing it all game. You should like their posts imo.

@GamerPoke like this post if you agree

1 Like

Blink Blink?
I don’t have a link

I’ll do what I fucking want with my likes


Join the club

/vote poisoned squid
they admit to being converted

I think they mean audited

Don’t you mean Lolreactiontest?


This is sad,
I’m not allowed to use emotes which is bad

@alexA this so so sad play Despacito 2