Town of Salem 2399 - The Desolation of Storp - ꜱɪɢɴᴜᴘꜱ - FILLED

even so. im not accepting the point of the test

alright according to what italy has said so far than yeah it wouldnt work anyway
but no, im not going to humor yall

Indeed this is gonna be funnnn

I mean, if we go completely uninformed together, I will definitely use colors.

Was that meant to deter me? Bring it on :^)

Sure, @Icibalus .

uninformed btw

no chats

chats bad

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> Query: what are you @ing me about?

Beam all 3 of us (Kat, Jane, Me) into uninformed spectator chat with no DMs

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can non-players post in thread once game has started, and may they be contacted outside of the main thread, assuming other restrictions are met?

i was waiting for this game for a long time
tolfm was fun and i expect this to be fun too

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> Contacting extra-simulation forces is strictly forbidden. Do not consort with the Machines.


eevee almost got memed for trying that

This is such a perfect imperfection and a correct mistake already.

I know with Ici, expecting anything is out of the question.
Any semblance to anything you know and love, you might not get it here.

lol imagine having expectations from anything not already in this game

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> hmmm

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/in the game seems interesting and I will try not to slank

Need an alt mod or not doing them cause wotm

> I will not be allowing alts or using alts this game. An altmod is not required.