If you have a Town of Salem/MafiaUniverse account, change your password. Their sites may have been compromised, and your hashed passwords may have been leaked. Better safe than sorry. Remember, increase length!
This being said, any accounts that share the password may also be a good thing to change. The intent of the hacker is unknown, but he was able to take control of their admin control panel.
who would hack a forum mafia site anyway
Update: if your MU account and e-mail share passwords, change that too.
> not randomly generating passwords kept in a password manager for maximum security
(But in all seriousness I highly recommend everyone have a similar setup. Reusing passwords is asking for trouble imo)
Did they figure out the hacker or
Not yet to my knowledge
Bump because ToS was compromised too
I know I’m behind the curve on this one but just in case
Town of Salem more like TBreach of Security
Could’ve said The breach Of Security.
But that doesn’t make sense
town of salem? oh you mean that place where you get banned for posting negative steam reviews having an opinion or disagreeing with devs
Necro, really?
Please don’t necromanc threads with titles like
Be sure to check https://haveibeenpwned.com/ if you want to check on security breaches your data could have been a part of.
Edit: sorry for the spammy sounding message. They have a database of previous data breaches that you can check by entering your email or username.
Interesting maneuver