These points are largely devoid of actual merit, have no real-world basis, sometimes contradict each other, and are from a very specific and particularly inflexible point of view that is in no way representative, yet you act like that’s how it should be for everyone just because you think it’s more fun that way.
UI wise, how do you suggest its implementation, given that clicking on a player’s name currently only highlights their post (and helps in copy pasting older messages since things like TB)? (p sure this is how it works)
ToL without Chaos strats would be not a not enjoyable game imo.
First of: you know that ToL is a turbo on purpose, right? It should be NOT possible to read a whole ISO of everyone in a short time. That’s a timegate on purpose.
It promotes massclaims because if you DONT post your claim on D2, they can just ISO you, see that you didn’t claim early and just exe you for it.
As a tol player I don’t have to try to appear towny. In the opposite - I try to appear as suspicious as possible.
Actually… look for it on the tol discord. Almost noone is interested in the slightest in ISO, neither to implement nor to use it.
In the end… It’s bad for newbies, even when you think that newbies can perfectly social deduct already.