Town of Salem has ISO Now

I don’t like wasting hours of people’s lives

This is literally an unrelated point and we should all not discuss it

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I have done it. It’s about the same but more of a convenience with it

I really doubt an Iso feature would lead to any more metagaming than already happens, if you want to metagame people in ToL you have to know first who they are and it’s pretty uncommon to recognize more than a couple people in a match.

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I can’t see that being anything but horrible.

If ISO is already bad for FM, it’s unlikely that it’s good for ToL.

Its not


Your conditional is false

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You’ve used that argument plenty of times boasting about your number of hours played in ToL.

They did engage your arguments and you could just counterengage that instead of this strawman.


Why is ISO good for FoL?
Since you can’t convince me in any way that ISO is good for ToL, you might try to at least do it for FoL


It streamlines a process you would have went through anyways.

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Nuke stop


by “you” I mean anyone that would be using an ISO. Not you specifically.

They replied to that already to which you have given no retort, which would probably be more productive.


In a turbo game you can’t.

You can during nights when ur not doing much


You specfically asked for an explanation for FoL.

You can most definitely go back days to see chat. If you couldn’t, you also wouldn’t have proposed having the chat on prior days be deleted.

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I actually… haven’t seen the reply. I’ll look for it. Uh… blame forums? :wink: