Town of Salem has ISO Now

We don’t need anyone to “support my side”
Since my side is literally “noone cares about ISO so why bother with it, and even if, it would have more negative consequences than positive”

but we’ve already proven the second part wrong, and people DO care enough about ISOs to make it worht it to put a basic programme filter in

You proved nothing as far as I can see :eyes:

If no one has any other feedback on the wording I’m going to go ahead and pose the question (or have someone else post the question, I think people are more likely to agree with suggestions coming from guides+ even if I tried to phrase the question as neutrally and non-question-y as possible).

there are over 200 posts of us showing that ISOs would not fuck up balance in the slightest, and even so we can just like
add more social abilities to the wovles to counter the swing

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So I call not posting it


Get Xblade to do it



Noone of you is an active tol player, so yea you’re feedback can be legit, but it’s not that likely

Glad to hear that I don’t exist :upside_down_face:


packs up suitcase

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The game has not undergone radical changes since I last played, like, a few weeks ago?



sorry i have a job and several other things i do with my life

Thanks for proving me wrong, good to hear.
I’d prefer to hear feedback from people who play regularly, but playing it sometimes is def better than not at all :ok_hand:

With regular players I probably mean people who play at least 20-50 hours per two weeks, some are even going for the 100+ but they are crazy
(I was crazy too, but thats a bit ago)

I’d argue that that feedback is sometimes less pure or helpful than an actual average player.

Different player segments matter.

why would i add the time sink of a part time job onto my regular life

to be fair i’ve never seen you playing in several months

Well you waste your time already on giving feedback for it, so… why not play it :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe you use an alternate account or something, but I know you’re still on my friend list there