Town of Salem has ISO Now

I know that both veterans and newbies hate the suggestion, so… it’s fine for me. Show me that the discord people actually like it, and it’s not just the forumers who like it… but the actual active players.

is everyone okay with this wording

I’m ok with it

show us a feedback post that has a ton of dislikes

I’m not, it’s referencing to the wrong people. One sec.

priestess, it’s okay that you don’t like it, but you do not speak for the community. like everybody in the world, you only speak for yourself.

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Tbh ToL Discord channel doesnt speak for it either

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But at least it has actual tol players.

You yourself said that someone with less than 100 hours counts as a noob to you and that if multiple noobs would like the feature then that would convince you. So why would addressing those noobs be improper?

  1. Don’t post it in general but in the right channel, aka feedback-discuss
  2. Don’t target newbies especially, that’s falsefying the reactions.

but you asked for newbies as proof. what do you want as proof that people want this feature?

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You can read all opinions and then look who of them was new.

I was thinking #general would be better for visibility but if it’s really important to you that it be in #feedback-discuss I don’t object super strongly

ban All ToL players And force then to Take survey to get unban

Most people don’t have thier hours public

Asking for specifically newbies also avoids the issue of newbies just sheeping what veterans say (which I know you expressed concern about earlier).


Well it’s pretty annoying when people again and again and again post their feedback stuff in general instead of the place where it belongs. Especially when it’s not the first time. But the… idk how many time we had this topic already

I know enough tol vets and tol newbies who find this idea horrible to not want to bother them with a survey about this. The answer will be most likely no. We’ve discussed this topic so many times and never had an positive answer.

Well, if the newbies all think your idea is horrible then presumably they should come away supporting your side, right, so you don’t have anything to worry about